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IBPM enables banks to automate business processes like account opening, lending or payments to optimize costs. Financial Service providers are increasingly looking to BPM not only as a solution to specific, immediate process improvement objectives, but as a platform that gives them the ability to tackle diverse process improvement initiatives and realize the following benefits:


  • Better target and serve your customer Economically streamline the end-to-end client management process and guide employees through decision-making process with dynamic process coaches.

  • Enable Straight-Through Processing Business rules in processes can help automate the routing and processing of tasks — often reducing the amount of human intervention needed by over 80%.

  • Create an audit trail Detailed process reporting provides complete picture of the process including activities, systems, and participants.

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  • 廠商

    • 凱基銀行

  • 所遇問題

    • 隨著業務日益成長,增設多樣性的使用者網路及行動應用平台,並與其他金融機構進行異業結合,外圍系統數量亦持續增加,且資訊技術及安全挑戰不斷提高,現行之系統架構無論內部與外部的通訊複雜度與日俱增,為有效整合各不同資訊系統平台間交易的訊息轉換、串接與控管等功能,因應未來新業務的成長及新技術的支援。

  • 挑戰

  1. 47支舊有電文整合、轉換,連線主機為台幣及基金主機

  2. 320支交易電文整合

  • 使用產品

    • ESB Integration Bus

  • 產品特性

  1. 簡單高效

  2. 通用獨立

  3. 特定行業相關性

  4. 動態智能

  5. 高性能與可擴展性

  • 應用效益

  1. 建置 7*24HR 服務不中斷(Non Stop)可靠度高之系統架構,提高系統營運滿意 度。 

  2. 建置具高度彈性擴展性(Scaleable)之 ESB 系統平台架構,避免因業務增長或系統功能不足而造成系統無法擴充支援的風險。

  3. 建置可依業務擴展彈性調整,輕量、能夠運行在任何實體、虛擬、雲端基礎架構上之中介系統,以因應未來系統架構與時俱進之優化需求。

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